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Academic Publishing


About Scopub

Scopub, a forerunner in scholarly, open access publishing, has assisted academic communities since 2012. Scopub, with its current headquarters in Brussels, Belgium, aims to promote open scientific exchange in all its forms and across all fields.

Our peer-reviewed journals journals, are supported by thousands of academic experts who share our mission, values, and commitment to providing high-quality service for our authors. We serve scholars from around the world to ensure the latest research is freely available and all content is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY).

At Scopub, we aim to continuously expand coverage of our publications within the popular contemporary academic databases:

In addition to the popular academic databases, we also focus on ensuring coverage of our journals within as many scope-specific databases as possible, in order to increase visibility for our authors, and further disseminate their impactful data. Moreover, we also work with various local organizations, to ensure that our journals are listed within country-specific journal ranking lists that are often required by funders or institutions for authors to publish with a journal.

All Content is Open Access and Free for Readers

Journals published by Scopub are fully open access: research articles, reviews or any other content on this platform is available to everyone free of charge. To be able to provide open access journals, we finance publication through article processing charges (APC); these are usually covered by the authors' institutes or research funding bodies.

Scopub Publication Ethics Statement

Scopub takes the responsibility to enforce a rigorous peer-review together with strict ethical policies and standards to ensure to add high quality scientific works to the field of scholarly publication. Unfortunately, cases of plagiarism, data falsification, inappropriate authorship credit, and the like, do arise. Scopub takes such publishing ethics issues very seriously and our editors are trained to proceed in such cases with a zero tolerance policy. To verify the originality of content submitted to our journals, we use iThenticate to check submissions against previous publications.

Sustainability has always been at the core of Scopub’s values.

Mission and Values

As a company of academic open access publishing, Scopub has been serving the scientific community since 2012. Our aim is to foster scientific exchange in all forms, across all disciplines. Scopub's guidelines for disseminating open science are based on the following values and guiding principles:

Open Access: All of our content is published in open access and distributed under a Creative Commons License, providing free access to science and the latest research, allowing articles to be freely shared and content to be re-used with proper attribution.

Fast Process: Publishing the latest research through editorial work, ensuring a first decision is provided to authors in under 25 days and papers are published within 10-15 days upon acceptance.

Flexibility: Adapting and developing new tools and services to meet the changing needs of the research community, driven by feedback from authors, editors, and readers.

Simplicity: Offering user-friendly tools and services in one place to enhance the efficiency of our editorial process.

Qualified Services: Supporting scholars and their work by providing a range of options such as journal publication at scopub.com, indexing at biblliomed.org to make a positive impact on research.

Sustainability: Ensuring long-term preservation of published papers and supporting the future of science through partnerships, sponsorships, and awards.

By adhering to these values and principles, Scopub remains committed to advancing scientific knowledge and promoting open science practices.

Most Accessed ArticlesJournals

Review Article

The imbalance of body electrolytes in HIV patients using highly active antiretroviral therapy

Research Article

A Comparison of Pharmacy Students' and Community Pharmacists' Knowledge, Attitude, and Practise of Generic vs. Branded Medicines

Case Report

Management of an impacted maxillary central incisor with surgical exposure and a 2x4 orthodontic appliance: A case Report

Review Article

Can ChatGPT help researchers with scientific research writing?

Research Article


Research Article

Design and Evaluate a Cabinet Dryer for Drying of Food and Agriculture Waste

AJDI - American Journal of Diagnostic ImagingCRSM - Case Reorts and Series in MedicineEJDR - European Journal of Dental ResearchEJMID - European Journal of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
EJSRR - European Journal of Scientific Research and ReviewsJBM - Journal of Basic MedicineJBRR - Journal of Biological Research and ReviewsJCRR - Journal of Cancer Research and Reviews
JCSI - Journal of Computer Sciences and InformaticsJERR - Journal of Engineering Research and ReviewsJELM - Journal of Experimental and Laboratory MedicineJMRR - Journal of Medical Research and Reviews
JPPR - Journal of Pharmacological and Pharmaceutical ResearchJPHCM - Journal of Public Health and Community MedicineJRAFS - Journal of Research in Agriculture and Food SciencesJRCM - Journal of Research in Complementary Medicine
JRVS - Journal of Research in Veterinary SciencesJSRR - Journal of Surgical Research and Reviews