E-ISSN 3041-4199

Research Article

Online Publishing Date:
28 / 04 / 2024

Investigation of the time-course of tumour necrosis factor-α in dogs with cutaneous wounds

Daniel Onimisi AVAZI, Augustine Cheh AWASUM.

Aim: The study investigates the serum and wound fluid tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α profile in cutaneously injured dogs and their relationship with total and differential leucocyte counts. Methods: Adult apparently healthy dogs with intact (injury free), and surgically induced cutaneous injuries on the mid-lateral aspect of the right antebrachium served as control (n = 6) and experimental (n = 6) groups, respectively. Daily clinical examination of the entire study subject was carried out. Whole blood, harvested serum, and wound fluid samples were used for complete white blood cell count using an automated hematology analyzer and TNF-α profiling using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.
Results: TNF-α was detectable in all samples with the concentrations in wound fluid (130.22 ± 35.15 pg/ml) significantly (p < 0.05) higher than in serum (44.50 ± 15.92 pg/ml) of the experimental group at 36 hours, while the serum (116.17 ± 60.27 pg/ml) was higher than the control (29.79 ± 7.47 pg/ml) values at 60-hour post-operation irrespective of sex. The total white blood cell count remained within normal reference limits, with minimal fluctuations in differential cellular activities of the experimental and control groups. Significant correlations of wound fluid TNF-α with lymphocytes and eosinophils (r = 0.826 and - 0.826; p < 0.05) were observed in female uninjured dogs. In conclusion, the maximum mean concentrations of TNF–α detected at 450 nm from uninjured dogs was 47.06 ± 14.34 pg/ml.
Conclusion: These findings indicate the involvement of TNF-α in the early up-regulation of the inflammatory processes following the sustenance of injuries.

Key words: Cutaneous injury, Dog, Inflammation, Tumour necrosis factor-α, White blood cells count, Dog

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Pubmed Style

AVAZI DO, AWASUM AC. Investigation of the time-course of tumour necrosis factor-α in dogs with cutaneous wounds. J Biol Res Rev. 2024; 1(1): 27-35. doi:10.5455/JBRR.20240402070016

Web Style

AVAZI DO, AWASUM AC. Investigation of the time-course of tumour necrosis factor-α in dogs with cutaneous wounds. https://www.wisdomgale.com/jbrr/?mno=196299 [Access: May 05, 2024]. doi:10.5455/JBRR.20240402070016

AMA (American Medical Association) Style

AVAZI DO, AWASUM AC. Investigation of the time-course of tumour necrosis factor-α in dogs with cutaneous wounds. J Biol Res Rev. 2024; 1(1): 27-35. doi:10.5455/JBRR.20240402070016

Vancouver/ICMJE Style

AVAZI DO, AWASUM AC. Investigation of the time-course of tumour necrosis factor-α in dogs with cutaneous wounds. J Biol Res Rev. (2024), [cited May 05, 2024]; 1(1): 27-35. doi:10.5455/JBRR.20240402070016

Harvard Style

AVAZI, D. O. & AWASUM, . A. C. (2024) Investigation of the time-course of tumour necrosis factor-α in dogs with cutaneous wounds. J Biol Res Rev, 1 (1), 27-35. doi:10.5455/JBRR.20240402070016

Turabian Style

AVAZI, Daniel Onimisi, and Augustine Cheh AWASUM. 2024. Investigation of the time-course of tumour necrosis factor-α in dogs with cutaneous wounds. Journal of Biological Research and Reviews, 1 (1), 27-35. doi:10.5455/JBRR.20240402070016

Chicago Style

AVAZI, Daniel Onimisi, and Augustine Cheh AWASUM. "Investigation of the time-course of tumour necrosis factor-α in dogs with cutaneous wounds." Journal of Biological Research and Reviews 1 (2024), 27-35. doi:10.5455/JBRR.20240402070016

MLA (The Modern Language Association) Style

AVAZI, Daniel Onimisi, and Augustine Cheh AWASUM. "Investigation of the time-course of tumour necrosis factor-α in dogs with cutaneous wounds." Journal of Biological Research and Reviews 1.1 (2024), 27-35. Print. doi:10.5455/JBRR.20240402070016

APA (American Psychological Association) Style

AVAZI, D. O. & AWASUM, . A. C. (2024) Investigation of the time-course of tumour necrosis factor-α in dogs with cutaneous wounds. Journal of Biological Research and Reviews, 1 (1), 27-35. doi:10.5455/JBRR.20240402070016